
Ephesians 2:1-10
Ephesians: Built to Last - Part 4

This week, pastor Don reminds us that one of our biggest problems is that of remembering. He also reminds us of Paul's main purpose of writing this section. To show the Ephesian believers (and us) just how desperate our situation was. We were dead! There isn't anything more significant than that for a person. Things don't get any worse than that. The reason for this death is simple, 'sin'. We don't just sin actively 'trespass', but we also sin passively 'sin'. So whether it's deliberate or not, our situation is still dire. The reason we need to see how bleak things are is so that we will realize just how helpless we are. We are not just a little unable to save ourselves, we are totally incapable of saving ourselves. However, we have a Saviour who did everything for us. The spotlight therefore is not on us, but on Him. Therefore, in response to what God has done, how grateful we should be. Our gratitude should be expressed in our praise of Him. In our words, in our actions, with our lives.